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Xinhuanet Interview with Zhou Weiyan and Zeng Yong: Children of the Qianmiao Project Have a "Chinese Heart"

August 22, 2018

At the end of December 2016, the innovative educational public welfare project "China Children and Teenagers' Fund Qianmiao Program Special Fund", which was jointly initiated by Beijing Yongzhen Public Welfare Foundation and China Children and Teenagers Foundation, was donated by 10 million yuan. Recently, Zhou Weiyan and Zeng Yong were interviewed by Xinhua Public Welfare reporters.

Wonderful view

What kind of public welfare project is the Qianmiao Plan? Where is its innovation compared to traditional public welfare projects?

Zhou Weiyan: The Qianmiao Plan is an educational innovation project and an education poverty alleviation project. The main goal of the Qianmiao Plan is to use education and innovation to truly cultivate the pillars that the country needs.

Compared with traditional public welfare projects, the innovation of the Qianmiao Plan lies in three characteristics. The first point is that the project must be scientific. The second is that the goal of the project is that children must be able to change themselves through learning. Not just knowledge, including the ability to learn. The third is that the project is very long-lasting, with 15 years as a basic unit. So what Qian Miao plans to do is to try to prove that effective intervention methods and tracking systems can give these children the opportunity to create value for society in the future, rather than becoming a burden on society.

What is the core content of the Qianmiao Plan as a public welfare project for talent training? What kind of talents do you want to cultivate?

Zeng Yong: The core content is mainly to cultivate two aspects of children, one is to cultivate children's learning ability, and the other is to cultivate their Chinese heart.

Only by developing the learning ability can we have future competitiveness. Academic qualifications represent the past, only learning ability can represent the future. We need to cultivate his ability to learn, and to efficiently acquire and screen information. When a child has the ability to learn and can bring future power, can he represent China? We hope that our Chinese children and children of the Qianmiao Plan have a Chinese heart.

How did you think of launching this Qianmiao project? What are some interesting and memorable stories from implementation to today?

Zhou Weiyan: Public welfare organizations often itch their boots when it comes to children's education.

Non-profit organizations often itch children's education because education is very professional, but most non-profit organizations only help in material matters. Education is to shape the soul of a person and affect his life. Social organizations may not be able to do it. In the core area less than five kilometers from Tiananmen Square, there are 1,500 yuan in monthly income supporting a family of four Beipiao families. Even without a penny, the mother's education of the child is 100% invested. Everyone has the right to live. Every parent wants his child to become a talent in the future. Every child should have this opportunity.

Zeng Yong: We want to make a plan that can cover more children and more consider children in the countryside.

Before doing the Qianmiao plan, we did another project called Emirate. In each community, a community children's sports hall for children to play and play together was provided to provide a growth environment for children to form good personality habits. After this is done, we want to make a thousand seedling plan that can cover more children, and more consider the children in the countryside. They have no chance to break the intergenerational inheritance of poverty, and to truly remove the root of poverty will change his thinking and environment. The Qianmiao Plan is aimed at families who do not have the ability to spend, but hope to raise their children.

Since the implementation of the Qianmiao plan, there have been a series of research camps and traditional culture-related courses, but many villages do not have a network. What other measures can be taken to help equity in education? What are the plans for the next step?

Zhou Weiyan: Online is a tool, not the only path. It can only be one of several educational tools.

The study camp is for children to sit together and meet with 800 scientists, mentors, and experts from our "Thousand Talents Plan" expert joint meeting. After returning, there will be online volunteer services. There are interactive collections twice a year, and come online after face-to-face. Online is a tool, not the only path. It can only be one of several educational tools. The most important one in traditional cultural activities is character. The formation of the entire values of a child ’s character and personality depends on the environment. We think of traditional culture, the wisdom of ancient people, and the power of inheritance. Can we put traditional culture in it? The integration of knowledge and action runs through the Qianmiao plan? Incorporate cultural things into educational games, environments, and scenes, and influence them little by little, so that they will begin to love this country and this land.

Zeng Yong: Qianmiao plans to build bridges for children.

The first research camp will begin on August 7. We will summarize the experience on the basis of the first session, push forward to do a good job of the second and third sessions, and at the same time do a good job of online tracking and coaching system. We have also connected with many universities, such as Tsinghua University, Peking University and Zhejiang University. The Qianmiao project is responsible for building bridges for children, and in the process of growing up, opened up the possibility of changing their destiny by poverty.

Mr. Zhou actually many netizens are very familiar with you, because you are the executive chairman of One Foundation, do you still have this status? So what's the experience of switching between the two identities?

Zhou Weiyan: The jade of other mountains can attack the stone, not just brush your face with feelings, but ask for money with tears.

It is still its founding director, but it is not on the front line and fulfilled my responsibilities and obligations between the councils. The One Foundation has laid the foundation for my understanding of the public welfare circle over the years. It can be said that I have a comprehensive understanding of the situation of the entire public welfare industry at home and abroad, and also have a foundation for operating public crowdfunding platforms. Later, when you created the Yongzhen Public Welfare Foundation, you need to lead this team. A group of ordinary people can have an extraordinary dream, and each person finds his own position in the refined management system. For those who want to start a business and do social work now, I want to say something, we must think about where the business model can learn from. Other mountains can be used to attack stones, not just to brush your face with emotions, or to ask for money with tears. The last point was not changed.

Zeng Yong: We are like Tang monks and apprentices. I'm Tang Seng, responsible for speaking two words, westward. She is Sun Wukong, tossing and fighting, cutting monsters and demons along the way.

It turned out that I also did some public welfare things, but because of lack of experience, I lost money and took a detour. Later I met Teacher Zhou as a good partner. We have always focused on finding a way to the future for children from poor families. The two of us also have friction. At this time, she said, we are like Tang monks and apprentices. I'm Tang Seng responsible for speaking two words westward. She is Sun Wukong, tossing and fighting, cutting monsters and demons along the way.

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